I know this is corny, but I sometimes think that I could of made a career out of writing out my own greeting cards. Instead of Hallmark, it would of been "PGT Creations." Instead of writing a "congratulations on your wedding" note on the present I bought, I realized there wasn't enough room to write what I wanted, so I wrote a Wedding Poem for Richard and Jasmine Cabida. There have been a few birthdays where I didn't feel the "bought words" in the card expressed anything personal enough, so I've done my own birthday greetings. I've written for a wedding anniversary and I've written for my mom's retirement. I've written for someone's going away event.
Anyways, I wrote the below with the intention of mailing to the Golden State Warriors to see if I could get all 16 Warrior Girl autographs, but alas that is only a dream and it probably would of got lost too.......... Unfortunately, I didn't finish it until late last night because no matter what I write, I always feel that it's never good enough. I've written poems for specific people before, but to write something meant for 16 beautiful women wasn't and still isn't easy.
Here's the Valentine's Poem for our Golden State Warrior Girls! I hope someone enjoys my cornyness (is that even a word?).
Valentine’s Day Poem For Our Warrior Girls
As we see blue, gold, orange, and white,
Our eyes gaze upon the 16 beauties across the end lines
Not knowing where our eyes will rest as each
Vision is an attractive view along the sidelines.
As they cheer, dance, and pose in poetic motion
Our hearts beat dashingly quick with many a shiver
The intensity grows stronger within our arena
Similar to a wave that builds across a cool river.
The feeling of the first touch of a new rain
The first ray of sunshine on a bright new day
The smiles and looks of style and grace
Provides hope to our team within the Bay.
The smiles across those charming faces
Can brighten up our team spirit’s soul
And your cheers will still flow through our being
Even though our hearts, you have stole.