Sunday, March 15, 2009

RE: Thank You for attending the March 14 Hinunangons of Northern CA Winter Party

Hi All,

Being the previous president and current secretary, I want to thank Jeorge for doing a great job as the new President of the Hinunangons of Northern California for our Winter Luncheon Party this weekend. Taking a step back after the last 3 years is different for me and it was nice to see how Jeorge took control of his first event (non-meeting). The karaoke situation with the audio difficulties wasn’t something that any of us expected, but the restaurant didn’t charge us for using it, although we were expecting to. Jeorge handled that in a very cool manner.

Bobby also did a great job as the new treasurer. Last year A LOT of people paid up front via mail or dropped off the money to Auntie Ester’s house, but this year, majority of the members paid at the event. That’s a lot of people and can get confusing, so Bobby deserves kudos for doing that as well. We wanted to be careful about how to approach people on paying in advance (including dues) with the way the economy is now and we know that it hit some of our members over the last few months.

Victor also did a great job on the 3 different money lei! Vic took the responsibility to get many of our raffle prizes and all of the karaoke prizes via donations. The 3 money lei prizes that he made were a big hit and when graduations come up for our extended family members, I would recommend Vic’s money lei making services. Through Jeorge, Bobby, Victor, and I, I believe we did a great job in identifying people that were coming in and recognizing if they paid or not. This is why for most of the event, we were walking around a lot. When there are multiple group parties at one restaurant it can get confusing and the people at the restaurant were very helpful.

I would also like to thank many others that helped make this event happen-

Myra and Domingo- no matter what, it seemed like people needed more tickets, lost their tickets, or didn’t even know they had tickets. Thanks for always printing more tickets, even within 1 hour of you coming to the party! Having a newborn probably didn’t make this any easier with my random phone calls saying “Can you print more tickets and is my case of beer still in your fridge?”

Jenny- thanks for always volunteering to be our emcee (mc). You never need practice and you know what you are doing on the fly.

Kathy- you always bring a good number of ‘guests’ to our events and that’s what we love seeing. It was nice that your sister (who I barely remember as a little kid) worked out her vacation to make our Winter Luncheon with her family from Ohio.

Roland- thanks for flying in from Georgia just to have an extended family lunch (everyone he flew back at 6am this morning to GA).

Ramona- thanks for taking time to come from Bakersfield as well for just an extended family lunch.

Lastly, I don’t want to forget those that attended the event! You made this happen. Your Cabinet would not have worked as hard as we did if it wasn’t for the support of our members. With the turnout we received, I’m thinking our upcoming Casino Trip fundraisers and our Summer Fiesta will be successful as well. If you see that I missed anyone in this email, please forward this to them.

Take care everyone!

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