Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine’s Day Poem For Our Warrior Girls

I know this is corny, but I sometimes think that I could of made a career out of writing out my own greeting cards. Instead of Hallmark, it would of been "PGT Creations." Instead of writing a "congratulations on your wedding" note on the present I bought, I realized there wasn't enough room to write what I wanted, so I wrote a Wedding Poem for Richard and Jasmine Cabida. There have been a few birthdays where I didn't feel the "bought words" in the card expressed anything personal enough, so I've done my own birthday greetings. I've written for a wedding anniversary and I've written for my mom's retirement. I've written for someone's going away event.

Anyways, I wrote the below with the intention of mailing to the Golden State Warriors to see if I could get all 16 Warrior Girl autographs, but alas that is only a dream and it probably would of got lost too.......... Unfortunately, I didn't finish it until late last night because no matter what I write, I always feel that it's never good enough. I've written poems for specific people before, but to write something meant for 16 beautiful women wasn't and still isn't easy.

Here's the Valentine's Poem for our Golden State Warrior Girls! I hope someone enjoys my cornyness (is that even a word?).


Valentine’s Day Poem For Our Warrior Girls

As we see blue, gold, orange, and white,
Our eyes gaze upon the 16 beauties across the end lines
Not knowing where our eyes will rest as each
Vision is an attractive view along the sidelines.

As they cheer, dance, and pose in poetic motion
Our hearts beat dashingly quick with many a shiver
The intensity grows stronger within our arena
Similar to a wave that builds across a cool river.

The feeling of the first touch of a new rain
The first ray of sunshine on a bright new day
The smiles and looks of style and grace
Provides hope to our team within the Bay.

The smiles across those charming faces
Can brighten up our team spirit’s soul
And your cheers will still flow through our being
Even though our hearts, you have stole.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Chris Brown Rap

Those of you know I am definitely not a rapper, but I do like to think of words that rhyme. I would never condone beating up women, but today I read on my boy Chepo's facebook (shout out to Jose Chepo Hernandez!) profile that he is thinking of rhymes about the whole unfortunate Chris Brown-Rhianna situation. Well, I don't think I beat him to it, but here's something I wrote this morning................... This is all is good fun. Remember, I didn't do anything to Rhianna. Hopefully, Chris Brown gets the help he needs because it's ok to be passionate about a woman, but not violent.

My Chris Brown Rap

Chris Brown, he's the man,
Beating up chicks like nobody can.

Slapping girls from left to right,
He's lovin' the girls that want to fight!

Stunning the crowd like a RKO,
Bitches scared going (pause for effect here)... uh-oh!

Drinking alcohol makes him feel finer,
Only to dish out a black eyed shiner.

"Forever" is his song that he will always sing
and he'll get off without losing much bling!

Chris Brown may beat up other women too
Like....with you, with you, with you, with you...with you
Girl, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you.

The Sound of Silence

Silence can be the longest
Noise that you can never hear
As the pause between the sound of words
Can seem like an eternity lost in fear.

Silence can be an awkward time of reflection
But it can also be a slow moving vehicle for pain
When you can’t find the time and words
That can drive you both defensively insane.

When too much time passes by
Feelings can change and be gone
Just like when a motionless sunset
Turns into a new, but quiet dawn.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Hug Can Be Powerful

More powerful than words
Sometimes a simple hug can be
The presence of a loved one can
Open up your eyes so that they can better see.

A heart can be filled with warmth
With a loving embrace any given day
That together with a sound of your voice
A touch can be more than what words can say.

An air of concern can be felt
In the companion’s caring eyes
Knowing that tears of love dripping down
Can come in more than just one size.

A hug can be a very symbolic gesture
Passing your support to someone in need
Letting someone know that you can be
Emotionally connected to them indeed.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Girl, You're The Reason (My first official poem)

Everyone once in a while, someone will ask me when did I realize I liked writing poetry and the answer is basically, I didn't really realize anything. It was in my first and only year at USF and I started writing how I felt. It was really a combination of 2 things- a letter I was writing that I never sent that somehow rhymed and a general poem about finding the right person. The letter I was writing had a purpose, but the poem didn't really. I don't know why I did that.

One night, I started looking at both and figured that combining them just looked right. Suddenly, it became a poem about missing someone. Through the writing process of this 'poem,' I realized that I had a lot of great friends at USF back at this time because they gave me the support that I needed. Out of a tough girl situation grew my creative mind and although I did take a break in writing a few years ago, I'm writing again.

I also took a music/singing class at SFSU for an easy credit in between a long break I had between classes. I actually turned this poem into a song, but when I realized that everyone else did covers of existing songs (I'm the only one with an original?), I ended up doing Tony Rich's "Nobody Knows." I still remember the instructor telling me that "You have great tone." After all these years, I still haven't decided to disect that comment. LOL

Girl, You’re The Reason

I think of you as I dream at night,
I think of you in the wake of the my might,
I need you here right by my side,
With your sweet smile there’s no need to hide.

Girl, you’re the reason I live,
Girl, you’re the reason I give,
Love, it makes the world go around,
Love, for you it will always be found.

Nights I look up at the stars high above,
Makes me wish I had you in my arms in love,
Oh girl, I think I love you,
I don’t want to spend my life without you.

Times I drive the streets wondering where you are,
Times I drive the streets missing you in my arms,
Day and night, I wish you’re by your phone,
Hoping for a call straight from your home.

Take some time to think who’ll be there for you,
Take some time to think how much I love you,
Look into my heart, tell me what you see,
Look into my heart, that’s where you will be.

Once I get down on my bended knee,
You’ll see the man full of sensitivity,
Time and time again, I’ll whisper words into your ear,
And hopefully, you’ll be mine for always my dear.

Guys have made you cry over the years,
With my touch, I’ll take away your tears,
I’ll always treasure the moment we met,
My love will grow through each and every sunset.

Girl you are the reason I live,
And girl, you are the reason I give.


No this isn't a poem or some piece of writing to make you contemplate life, but I'm just wondering what's the fascination with cupcakes over the last few months (or should I say 2008 to early 2009?). When people are getting married these days (yes, I go to alot of weddings, but usually too drunk come cake time), I'm seeing more wedding cupcakes. This is probably because you don't have to pay for cake cutting and it's easier to pass around, right? Also, I was walking around safeway in the cake section where I'm not supposed to be as a diabetic, I noticed a bunch of cupcake cakes of SpongeBob Square Pants instead of traditional cakes. I went to my cousin's daughter's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese and they had cupcakes. I read one of my friend's blogs (shout out to Jay-Lo!) and she writes about how much she loves cupcakes too- hers I understand because she has a sweet tooth. Then, just the other day at the Warriors game, my buddy tells me he has to get cupcakes for his significant other....and he wants them too! LOL! So, maybe it's the diabetic in me that is trying to understand, but what's up with the cupcake fascination? With Valentine's day coming up, I know there will be more cupcakes around. Red Velvet anyone?

Just a little story, when I found out I had type 2 diabetes a few years back, I didn't know how certain foods would affect me. Of course my doctor and the instructor at the diabetes management class I took made it seem like the only thing in life that is healthy is water and lettuce. One of my co-workers at the time was also type 2 diabetic, but she was the worse example EVER of how a diabetic should be. She literally ate what she wanted and ended going home early not feeling well or went to the hospital. Her motto was if "I'm going to die, I'm going to die happy. I'm going to eat whatever I want and nobody can tell me what to do." With me being a new diabetic at the time, she didn't make me understand my condition any easier and wasn't a role model I was going to follow! Anyways, to test how I would react to certain things, we were given cupcakes with hella frosting by our supervisor at the time. She didn't want to give me one, but I insisted for my experiment. I know by having this cupcake eaten at one time that it would shoot up my blood sugar, but I wanted to see how fast and how long it would last. Being new at this, if I didn't test my limit, how would I know what my true limitations are. Most car rentals won't let you drive up to 100mph, but if you don't test it, how would you know? So, I ate the whole thing before I went home. I didn't feel anything different driving home, but once I got home I fell asleep so fast (I guess you say pre-coma). I slept from 4pm and woke up at 3am. I generally am a light sleeper (my cats wake me up at 3:30am to 4:00am when they are hungry every morning), but I slept WELL that night. I slept so WELL that one of my cats clawed me 'cause I saw the 3 lines on my arm in an attempt to wake me up. So, maybe my view of cupcakes is skewed, but I still don't see the fascination.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

When Is It Time To Move On?

When you no longer feel you can make a difference?
When you’ve taught all you can and nobody listens anymore?
When the grass on the other side is greener?
When you feel like you need a new purpose?
When passion becomes despair?
When you breathe out, it is harder to breathe in?
When your seem to lose every fight?
When everything becomes a fight?
When simple talk turns to yelling?
When you feel like a Jedi ready to embrace the dark side?
When you feel like stepping on the gas, but should step on the brake?
When you start drinking alone?
When your heart feels empty?
When your dog no longer wags his tail when he sees you?
When you fall and don’t feel like getting up?
When fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering?
When you expect sunshine, all you get is rain?
When black and white become grey?
When rivals give up on each other?
When the ratings are in and nobody’s watching?

All these can happen, but it is time to move on when you lose your heart. Until then,

Keep making a difference,
Keep teaching,
Stay on your side of the fence,
Renew your purpose with new ideals,
Review why you were passionate in the first place,
Keep breathing and get an oxygen mask,
Work to break that losing streak,
Keep punching until you can’t punch no more,
Send an email in all lower caps,
Find your Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Obi-Wan, and R2-D2,
Take your foot off the gas pedal and change lanes,
Find old friends to drink with you just because they know you need them there,
Find someone new to love,
Play catch with your dog,
Roll to the side and get a better angle to get up,
Remember, “do or do not, there is no try,”
Dance in the rain,
Wear bright clothing,
Push your rivals to be their best and then beat them,
Add new people to the cast.

If none of that works, then it is time to move on.