Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! Welcome 2009 and My Wishes For You!

Hi All,

Just want to wish you all a Happy New Year and here are some thoughts I have for you:

May 2009 be better to you, your family, and friends.
May you enjoy the success of all your hard work.
When you get phat out drunk, may you be with your best friends as you enjoy alcoholic memories for years to come.
Wishing you the best in love, life, financial success, and laughter.
May your favorite sports teams do well for years to come with this year showing promise.
May you get a bigger raise than you have become used to getting on your annual review.
May the love of your life continue to value your passion, time, and friendship.
If you haven't yet, may you find the love of your life and grab on to that person forever.
May long lost friends find you via myspace, facebook, friendster, or whatever new social community networking site rises to the top this year.
May an old friend send you a card in the mail (snail mail, not email or text message) to let you know that you are still thought of.
May all your online purchases arrive faster than the estimated timeframe that UPS or Fed Ex advised you.
May your health be better in the new year and all the supplements you take actually do what they say on the bottle.
May your loved ones overseas in the military come home safe with great stories to share.
May you actually take a vacation and have enough time to relax and enjoy the small things in life.
May you actually have time to spend with all your godchildren, neices, and nephews.
May the children you have in your life find happiness and wisdom in everything you say and do.
May the grocery checkout clerk at the grocey store mis-scan an item so you get more than what you paid for.
May you fill up at the gas station at the lowest price of the month.
May all your pets never get lost or if they do, they find their way home safely, which allows you to cherish them more.
May you lose that extra ten pounds that has been hard to shed for years pretty fast.
May your ex realize what they lost in you, but you are over them already and you let them know, so all parties can move on.
May you manage your credit wisely and strengthen your credit history.
May you always find exact change in your pocket, so you don't have to break that $20 bill.

If I didn't get to see you in 2008, maybe our paths will cross in 2009! Have a great year.

Take care and be safe in 2009,


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