Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poem/Toast at Mom's Retirement and 60th Birthday Celebration

Five years ago I had to do a speech at my mom's retirement party. I'm not good with speeches, so I figured I'd do something I'm comfortable with, which was to write a poem for the occassion. So for those that weren't able to attend the retirement party, here it is.

Ironically, people started crying before I even read the first couple lines and I started to get emotional when I mentioned my dad. My dad passed away almost 13 years ago, but I can still get emotional talking about him. This doesn't happen very often, but it was a great feeling to know that the whole restaurant was quietly listening to each word that I said. I don't know if this is something I should say, but I guess it's nice to know I can make people cry?


Poem/Toast at Mom's Retirement and 60th Birthday Celebration

Throughout all the years,
We have not been limited within your heart,
But we have been the driving force to help keep you going,
Through the easy and difficult times,
And still you remain our survivor.

Your strength, sensitivity,
Giving, and love,
Are many things that excudes,
And can be seen within us, your children.

Not just because it's your 60th Birthday,
But for the 29 years of my life,
The 25 years of Michelle's,
And the 23 years of Roland's,
Us, along with all your extended family,
Friends, co-workers and future friends,
Would like to wish you all the happiness,
Into a new chapter in life.

Enjoy this time as God has rewarded you,
With life and the eternal love of your family and friends,
Dad is watching with his loving eyes and smiling down,
On us now as we are all here to honor you,
On your special day.

This toast is to celebrate not just your 60th birthday
And your retirement, but for blessing us
With your presence and heart,

Congratulations Mom, we love you!

1 comment:

  1. awww..that was so sweet paul!

    I bet your mom was in tears too.
