Thursday, February 5, 2009

When Is It Time To Move On?

When you no longer feel you can make a difference?
When you’ve taught all you can and nobody listens anymore?
When the grass on the other side is greener?
When you feel like you need a new purpose?
When passion becomes despair?
When you breathe out, it is harder to breathe in?
When your seem to lose every fight?
When everything becomes a fight?
When simple talk turns to yelling?
When you feel like a Jedi ready to embrace the dark side?
When you feel like stepping on the gas, but should step on the brake?
When you start drinking alone?
When your heart feels empty?
When your dog no longer wags his tail when he sees you?
When you fall and don’t feel like getting up?
When fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering?
When you expect sunshine, all you get is rain?
When black and white become grey?
When rivals give up on each other?
When the ratings are in and nobody’s watching?

All these can happen, but it is time to move on when you lose your heart. Until then,

Keep making a difference,
Keep teaching,
Stay on your side of the fence,
Renew your purpose with new ideals,
Review why you were passionate in the first place,
Keep breathing and get an oxygen mask,
Work to break that losing streak,
Keep punching until you can’t punch no more,
Send an email in all lower caps,
Find your Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Obi-Wan, and R2-D2,
Take your foot off the gas pedal and change lanes,
Find old friends to drink with you just because they know you need them there,
Find someone new to love,
Play catch with your dog,
Roll to the side and get a better angle to get up,
Remember, “do or do not, there is no try,”
Dance in the rain,
Wear bright clothing,
Push your rivals to be their best and then beat them,
Add new people to the cast.

If none of that works, then it is time to move on.

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